RSpec 101

RSpec'e Giris

RSpec ruby için yazılmış bir test aracıdır ve TDD mantığı kullanılarak uygulama geliştirme amacıyla kullanılır.

Peki nedir bu TDD?Acılımı Test Driven Development olup teste dayalı geliştirme olarak çevirebiliceğimiz bir yazılım geliştirme metodudur.Teste Dayalı derken Kent Beck abimiz cok ciddiymiş çünkü bu geliştirme yonteminde kod yazmadan once testleri yazıyoruz.Teste Dayalı Geliştirmenin işleyişini ise Red - Green - Refactor dongusu ile anlayabiliriz.

Smiley face

Red : Ilk adımda testimizi yazıyoruz ve testi gecemiyoruz.Testi gecemiyoruz çünkü kural bu arkadaslar zaten daha kodu da yazmadık .Teste Dayalı Geliştirmenin altın kuralı, başarısız testler yazmadan,asla (uretim kodu) kod yazma imiş.

Green : Bu aşamada yazdığımız testi gecebilecek kodu yazıyoruz.Daha fazlasını yazmamaya dikkat etmeliyiz.

Refactor : Son olarak kodu geliştirip, gereksiz kısımlardan kurtuluyoruz ve temiz, öz bir kod elde etmeye çaşışıyoruz.Tabi testlerimizde geliştirmeyi, unutmayalım.

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Aug 26th, 2016

How to Cybele

Cybele is not an anatolian goddess, actually it is but we’re not talking about her.We’re talking about a rails gem.It’s an awesome tool to start a new project.It has everything you need when you develop a professional website.In short, it is a starting template.

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Aug 23rd, 2016

Second Day at Workshop

We started to second day with simple html lesson.As all we know Html is a markup language using for websites.It stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is a milestone for web pages because everything in the internet uses this language.All other languages or tools you know like php, .net, rails are just a tool for transforming our code to HTML.because of that knowing html is most important thing for a web developper.After we finished talking about html we passed on another tool we use in rails environment to transform our code to html.It is a gem called Haml.

Haml is a templating engine that makes you write html easily.It eliminates unnecessary tag system and uses indentation to tidy up your code.By removing the unnecessary tags it makes your code cleaner and easy to understand.

          / Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display
            %button.navbar-toggle.collapsed{"aria-expanded" => "false", "data-target" => "#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1", "data-toggle" => "collapse", :type => "button"}
     Toggle navigation
           = link_to 'Blog', root_path, class: 'navbar-brand'

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Aug 1st, 2016

Hello Workshop

When I heard the workshop for the first time i thought it will be a few simple classes and some simple code samples and that's all.But that was not..In the contrary we've had condensed and mind dazzling lessons from scracth to the end of the project till publishing a web project.Did ı understand something is that's what i'm gonna trying to tell you now..

By scracth, I mean we really start from the very early moments of a ruby project's life and before that we even examined the birth of ruby, ruby environment and deep network classes.Let me tell you somethings about ruby and ruby environment what i learned from Mr. Tayfun's lesson.

Ruby is an object oriented, dinamic and in my opinion it's functional language maybe not as much as matlab or else but when i learning ruby that was my first impression which i really liked that feature and the ease of writin code with it really made me love it.As we learned, ruby's purpose was fun and fast production for programmer.

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Jul 30th, 2016

First Post

This is the Post.What did u expect??

Jul 30th, 2016